
Moving forward together in Monterey County.

Access is only the first step towards getting the critical mental health, behavioral health and substance abuse support services needed to live a healthy life. Monterey County Behavioral Health needed a warm and welcoming brand and visual identity that encouraged families and individuals to seek assistance during difficult times—to help overcome barriers such as stigma and fear.
Monterey County Behavioral Health window decal
Monterey County Behavioral Health logo sign

Monterey County needed a warm and welcoming brand and visual identity that encouraged families and individuals to seek assistance during difficult times. Avanzando Juntos. Forward Together.—captures the determination and solidarity that they extend to all clients and their families.


Neimand Collaborative partnered with their diverse team of expert staff and providers to develop a tagline that resonated in English and Spanish, to reach all of Monterey County’s communities and communicate that they could become stronger together.

Monterey County Behavioral Health brochure sample
Monterey County Behavioral Health business card sample

We created a logo and visual identity that help residents of Monterey County identify clinics to reduce intimidation and overcome language barriers. The colors represent the welcoming environment clients can expect and the sense of peace that staff strive to foster, elements of Monterey County’s approach that help all move forward.


Clients are now greeted both online and at behavioral health clinic locations with a unified and welcoming message—Monterey County Behavioral Health is a partner in helping residents overcome difficult seasons and traveling the path forward, together.


Research & Analysis
Message & Brand Development
Creative Implementation

Let’s put strategy into action, together.